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  • Brenda Nova

As a former perfectionist and present less fuck giver, I feel it my duty to express my thoughts on the possibility overcoming this shitty habit. That's what it is you know, a habit. One formed most likely when you were a little girl and expectations grew into pressure, and blah blah so it goes. Definitely my case, and I guarantee many of started early. But no matter, what Does matter is NOW.

Let me also mention, that this is hard. Requires daily effort, focus, discipline, and determination. But the other side of it so sweet!

So on to 5 tips that 's helped me get to this point of divine imperfection and is helping me to continue expanding.

  1. Release Criticizing Yourself

All perfectionists are already very familiar and uncomfortable with this first ufff This could really be a whole separate blog (and actually is hehe...check it out) as this topic is massively important and the root of most of our emotional imbalances. I won't pretend that it's easy, this one was hard af for me starting out. I didn't realize how much trash and mean things I would tell myself, constantly. How hurtful that we are also our own worst enemy at times. While I haven't "perfected" this, oh well! One day at a time and doing my best, it does get easier. We have to remember this is not an overnight fix. It wasn't overnight that we developed bad habits, so we can be gentle with ourselves.

  • Release Comparing Yourself To Other People

As if it's not enough that we'll compare ourselves to strangers you see in everyday life, social media popped up and started furking up peoples' self esteem to an epidemic proportion. Yes, I think it's that serious. We forget that we are all individuals and attempt to mold ourselves to what is popular and accepted and lose sight of the organic light shining within us ALL. Catch yourself when you start thinking about what someone else has or looks like or whatever, and stop! Focus on what you have to be grateful for and remember that you are worthy simply because you are here...also, let go of so much social media. I mean really. The amount of time we waste scrolling everyday is ridiculous, present company excluded.

  • BE in the present moment.

If you're thinking, you're not being. Life is a serious of millions of moments. How many disintegrate to negative, self sabotaging, stressful, worrisome, unnecessary thoughts? Cherish more moments in life, we don't get them back.

  • To be human is to be flawed.

NO ONE is perfect. Take it easy, we're only human for 100 years give or take.

  • Pay attention to what you pay attention to.

Take the time to observe your self. Your thoughts. Your triggers. What do you focus on when you're alone? What do you focus on when you're with people? What makes you anxious? How do you talk to yourself? How do you generally feel about yourself and others and life?

"Know thyself"

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  • Writer's pictureBrendaNova

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

YOU. Not your parents. Not your upbringing. Not your religion. Not your education. Not your job. Not the president. Not the government. Not your circumstances. Not your limitations. YOU.

What does this mean?

You have utter, total, absolute, complete responsibility over what becomes of your life. Notice that I didn't say over what happens in your life. Over what becomes of your life. There are things that happen that you don't understand why or where it came from or how it came to be. These things are not in our control. What I've experienced and what has brought me peace is that everything happens for a reason. The reason may not be clear

now, it may not even be clear later...from my perspective,it happens for a reason.

So, how do you create your own reality?

By wherever your Focused Attention most often goes. It really is that simple. A simple yet complex process for most humans because of all of the conditioning we've had and shit there is to unlearn. Plus, we gravitate towards complicated. The drama...

So whatever you spend the most time Feeling and Thinking about, all day, everyday, is what You Create.

Why don't we create what we want?

Because you create based on your Energetic of Vibrational output. You Attract What You Are, Not What You Want. So if your thought is "I want more (fill in of your choice), then you'll attract wanting more of that(fill in of your choice).THE PARADOX OF LIFE is that to create the reality that you want to experience, you must first imagine that it is already done, release the process of how, and then allow it to happen without getting of the way in the way in which we receive.

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Updated: Jul 31, 2021

I've been wanting something really significant so bad that I've been pushing it away and didn't truly, definitely, actually realize it until 323,476,309 moments ago. See, there's a difference between the energy of the feeling of having something and the energy of the feeling of wanting something...this is worth reading a few times. Soak that in. This is THE difference between this experience becoming yours or not. When we want something so bad it hurts, it's the hurt that you feel strongest, and the strongest emotion/feeling is the actual vibration you’re radiating, causing you to get more of the hurt...this is also worth a few read overs. It's a lot to process. I'm uncovering how important it is to pay attention to our emotions, they absolutely play a key role in our creating. We are creating every day, all day with these


We either create by default or deliberately. Bringing us back to our feelings. The energy behind want is "I don't have this yet." The energy behind have is "I'm enjoying this." In order to receive, you must convince your self it's already done. It's already yours. But how?

Through repetition, persistence, patience, determination, time, failing, crying, learning, frustration, continuing, focusing, discipline, and faith to never give up until you've achieved the goal of creating the image of the ideal self/life experience to your subconscious mind.

Shiiiit, it's hard!

If you're like me, you didn't know that you were AS responsible for your life as you are. You used to think that everything was happening to you. And so now that you do know it's all happening from you... it's overwhelming still, and the fact that you've been living your life in that mindset for over 20 years, means it's going to take time. I've been on this conscious, self uncovery journey for going on 12 years, and it still feels like I'm just scratching the surface.

Eye feel there's an art to letting go because it entails so much. And how much more intense is it to learn something through experiencing it instead of just reading about it. A whole set of senses are ignited that just doesn't happen as a spectator. Hm. Anyways, I've been doing some experimenting with creating in regards to the mundane, everyday things we deal with in life; and it's been really neat seeing how in the letting go of the desire of something/event, you're accepting that you already have it, which is an energy of indifference and/or a higher frequency emotion. This then removes the emotional charge around the feeling of want and let's the energy of satisfaction take over and create automatically. It's a crazy ass paradox that eye find fascinating. Now the thing is, it's easier to navigate things/events which don't already have so much emotional charge around them. Meaning it's easier to create/manifest ticket concerts than say, your ideal partner. This is because whatever underlying emotional truths are present surrounding the topics that are of extreme importance to you will always be the strongest emotion and perpetuate that emotion or experience leading to the emotion...hope I didn't lose you lol.

It's really about soothing your emotional charge around your desires and releasing the idea that you can only be happy when this thing/experience is yours. The moment to moment emotions are the ones that are creating future moments. Find joy and appreciation in your present circumstances and maintain and sustain the expectation and knowing that it is done. Yes, I repeat, an art.

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